About the Author
Hi! I’m Astrid,
I am very happy you are here. I hope that this site brings you a little bit of light and helps you feel more hopeful and less alone. I am a self-described life-long student, writer, world traveler, solutions finder, and mom of 2 cats and one daughter.
Reveille is a dream I had years ago that I am only now really digging into (May, 2024). Ongoing changes are happening as we speak, so be unsurprised if posts and content changes the next time you return. For my whole life, I have wanted to help people but did not always know how. It is awesome that some people have only one specific interest, but I have found too many. Here, with Reveille, I can share some of the ideas and knowledge that has changed my life for the better, and in doing so, maybe I can help through teaching or framing something for you in a new way.
So often these days I am bombarded with giant issues that I feel are just too big to tackle. I’ve found that if I make a small positive action toward the solution, it gives me hope to do what I can. And maybe there are more people out there that want to help too. Like me, they feel overwhelmed and small, but when we work , learn , and grow together, we can make a bigger impact.
Lastly, besides encouraging self-discovery and planning missions to help the world, I hope to bring people together. Bridging Differences is a big topic and not a one size fits all situation by any means. But in saying that, I hope that all people feel welcome to read, learn, discuss, and get nearer to the truth that we all are human and deserve respect and consideration.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have questions or topics you would like to discuss or for me to write on, I look forward to engaging in discovery with you.
Big Hugs,